The Sterling Pump Track is a track built specifically for mountain bikers looking for a challenging and fun experience. The pump track is in the city-owned Platt Park located at 17th Avenue and 15th Street, is free to users. It has a pump section and a section for jumps, and its design occasionally will change on the basis of input from its users, and a committee that oversees it. The 1.5-acre site has two main sections, including space for beginners and a more advanced section and is designed to develop your skills over time. There’s no age limit and rules are posted. Helmets are strongly recommended.
“Pumping” is the term mountain bikers use for creating momentum with up and down body movements. Street bikes are welcome but we recommend using a mountain bike to maximize the fun.
This track is a work in progress so watch for more improvements to come and follow the Sterling Pump Track on FB.